Sunday, August 7, 2011


Where did time go? How did Hannah go from this...

To this... ?

 time flies when your having fun!
 It seems like yesterday I was teaching my Bald head baby to walk. It has been the best 5 years seeing how much Hannah has learned and helping her along the way. I can't believe she has just started Kindergarten. I can't wait to see all the changes and new things she'll be doing by the end of the school year.

"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau" ~Dan Rather


Kaycee said...

My cute little niece! It makes me sad how fast she grew up. She is such a good girl and very pretty! That baby picture is adorable. I thought for a split second it was Adelaide.

Anonymous said...

I too thought it was Adelaide at first. But how adorable! And wow, where does time go? What a special experience this will be for you all. And she IS a special, good girl.

Unknown said...

Please for Christ sake help this poor boy from Haiti
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your help and support to help me make some money to PAY MY Tuition Fees.

What you have to do is follow these simple steps

1.go to and search "Kwotz-Golden Words of Life"
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Ashlie Dalton said...

lindsey, there is a way to make it so that spam like the one above can't comment on your posts... if you need help fixing it let me know!

anyway, cute picture of hannah. how did she like her first day of kindergarten? it's crazy how quick that happened.
love you!

Ashlie Dalton said...

p.s. if i were you i wouldn't do what that spammer asked you to do by going to the link... it could make your computer have a virus or something.

Anonymous said...

Shes such a cute girl. She was in the primary class is subbed for yesterday. Very social and bubbly. :)