Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I can't believe it!!
This wasn't expected at all, but we are getting really excited.
I can't believe I will be having 4 kids. I don't know how I'm going to do it?
Heavenly Father must know better then we do, and really want us to have this little baby here.
Those of you that know my sister Kaycee know we have all our kids close in age. Even this time with out even planning it. :) That makes me even more excited to have her and my sister in law to be pregnant with again.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy 7 Year Anniversary

Saturday was Hemi's and My 7 year Anniversary. We had plans but with my kids being sick all week it was best that we cancelled them and save it for an other time, but that evening we did go to Chuck-a-Rama with my family.

Here are most of them who were there.

Here are a couple more who were there.

Hemi and I felt a little bummed that we waisted a special day doing nothing so on our way home from dinner he decided we'd play at Planet Play. I wasn't thrilled but once we got in there and were playing it was a lot of fun and I was glad we went.

Even though it wasn't how we would had liked to spent the day it was still nice to had spent the whole day being with Hemi. My sister helped us out and took the two oldest kids to her house to give us a little bit of a break. I thought that was really nice.